Ftp-connector not working in docker container

Hi Team,

I am exploring the ftp-connector (FTP Connector | Camunda Marketplace) capabilities. I had followed the installation instructions to deploy the ftp connector in the local docker container. Steps followed as below:

Created a jar-with-dependencies file after downloading the code from camunda-connectors/connector-ftp at main · Infosys/camunda-connectors · GitHub. Renamed it to “connector-ftp.jar”
Created a Dockerfile for generating a ftp-connector image.
Used Docker build command to generate the image

Implemented a service in docker-compose.yaml file to pull this image.

Executed docker compose up command to spin up all the containers.

With these, I was able to setup the FTP connector in the docker container.

I have used an online FTP server (infinityfree.com) to test the FTP capability to send file. I am able to send test files from my Windows machine to the server without any issues.

Modelled a FTP-connector for “CopyFile”
ftpconnector_test.bpmn (9.5 KB)

Files are uploaded in path (Highlighted - yellow) as below:

Starting the process as below passing all relevant arguments as below from the modeller.

Issue Facing:
When I start the instance and check the ftp connector logs I see that the FTP connection from docker container to FTP server is established successfully. But after that it fails with the error “Source Folder doesn’t exist”

I have tried multiple ways but could not figure out why the source folder path is not being picked up. Is there any thing I am missing causing this behavior.

Thanks in advance.

Hi Team,

Any insights, support is greatly appreciated.


Hi @Ingo_Richtsmeier/Team ,

By any chance is there any support we normally get in these cases?
As I understand these connectors are open sourced from Community Partners, I am wondering if the FTP connector build by Infosys can be used for commercial purposes.
If yes then is there any support we can expect on hitting issues?


Hi @Saju_John_Sebastian1,

here is the license file from the FTP-connector: camunda-connectors/connector-ftp/LICENSE.txt at 0b996216eba1f345e7908425fc63b4d77ada336d · Infosys/camunda-connectors · GitHub

It answers all your questions.

Hope this helps, Ingo