Use case : An administrator uses a UserTask to assign a subsequent UserTask to a specific clerk. In order to do so the administrator has to select the clerk from a select box on the form.
My difficulty : I’m trying to populate a select box with all the users in a specific group, groupClerks. Neither camForm.client.resource(‘group’) nor camForm.client.resource(‘user’) has the functionality to return all users in the group. How can I get the list of users from code on the form, ie cam-script?
I responded to your other question here, and I assume these are related to the same issue:
There may be an easier way to associate a list-type object with an angular control, etc., and have it automatically render the list, but I’m not an angular developer so I generate my dynamic HTML the hard way as noted in the above response.
After this post I came across the Java API method of getting all users in a group. I have no Java experience so I then constructed a JS version of it using the ‘execution’ variable :
var oUsersInGroup = execution.getProcessEngineServices().getIdentityService().createUserQuery().memberOfGroup(“camunda-admin”).list();
The problem is that I end up with a Java ArrayList datatype which is unknown to JS. How do I deserialize it into JSON?