Get first task's form key before start process

i am trying to overwrite task list application using rest api :
in my scenario , i need following steps for starting a process instance by user

  1. see list of startable process by user

  2. related human task’s form to be open (i need formkey of first human task without starting process)

  3. if user complete his form and click on complete button then we have business key and we can start process
    note: if user didn’t complete we don’t want start process

how can i have first form key without start process?
can i update business key after starting a process?

After starting a process you can set business key through listeners or delegates.


maybe your case (if I understood it correctly) is the form key, that you can associate with the process start event?

You can do it the same way you can associate the form key with the human task, the ‘Form’ tab for process start event is also present in the modeler.

There are several API methods related to this, firstly

Hope, it will help.

thanks for your answer
i didn’t know that start event element in camunda can have form-key like user tasks

and this API could solve my problem