I’m trying to get the workflow graphic of my process via REST call.
Logging into Camunda Cockpit I can see the graphic / workflow when clicking on the process, but when I make a GET request via REST from postman, I get an empty response. How can I get the graphic I see in the process details via REST call ?
Here are the data of my process:
"id": "1c874ade-d789-11e8-970d-0242ac110002", "key": "My_test", "category": "http://bpmn.io/schema/bpmn", "description": null, "name": "My_test", "version": 1, "resource": "My_test.bpmn", "deploymentId": "1c83c86c-d789-11e8-970d-0242ac110002", "diagram": null, "suspended": false, "tenantId": null, "versionTag": null, "historyTimeToLive": null
Despite diagram being null, I can see the workflow picture → how can I access it via REST ?
Postman GET request to:
Response: 204 No Content