Get Graphic of Process via REST call

I’m trying to get the workflow graphic of my process via REST call.
Logging into Camunda Cockpit I can see the graphic / workflow when clicking on the process, but when I make a GET request via REST from postman, I get an empty response. How can I get the graphic I see in the process details via REST call ?

Here are the data of my process:
"id": "1c874ade-d789-11e8-970d-0242ac110002", "key": "My_test", "category": "", "description": null, "name": "My_test", "version": 1, "resource": "My_test.bpmn", "deploymentId": "1c83c86c-d789-11e8-970d-0242ac110002", "diagram": null, "suspended": false, "tenantId": null, "versionTag": null, "historyTimeToLive": null

Despite diagram being null, I can see the workflow picture → how can I access it via REST ?

Postman GET request to:

Response: 204 No Content

As mentioned in the documentation, If the process definition’s deployment contains an image resource with the same file name as the process definition, the deployed image will be returned by the Get Diagram endpoint. Example: someProcess.bpmn and someProcess.png. Supported file extentions for the image are: svg, png, jpg, and gif.

Hi, thanks for the hint, but this doesn’t really answer my question. I wanted to know if it is possible to access the workflow graphic I see in process details via REST call. Can I get this graphic as a live view like I do in Cockpit ?

You can get the graphics via REST API, only if you have uploaded a diagram with same name.

No, you will not get it like the Cockpit. You have to render the diagram through bpmn.js and also render the active task with that bpmn.js