Get processInstanceKey

Greetings everyone,
Can anyone help me with this, I need to get the value of the processInstanceKey and assign it to a variable.
Any help is welcome

To my knowledge the processInstanceKey is not available. I solved this issue by creating a (python) service task and reading the processInstanceKey from within the task. Then you return the processInstanceKey as a new variable back to the processInstance.

And yes it is indeed a stupid workaround for such a basic need, what should be part of the product.

I’ve been trying to answer the same question and believe it is not available and you will have to do something like @gevezex said.

However, it looks like it is on their roadmap: FEEL expressions for Camunda attributes / entities. · Issue #10987 · camunda/zeebe · GitHub

Related question: Is the process instance id available as variable in the process instance?

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