Get Task list (POST) not working as expected

Hello. On using the REST API call to obtain task list using POST method, even when mentioning task variables that do exist, the API returns no data. I am unsure as to what I am doing wrong.
Screenshot (3)

Basically even though a task exists with those particular task variables, it is still not returned

Hello my bro :smiley: ! Welcome!

your “equipmentId” is an INTEGER… and in postman you are passing it between quotes, this indicates that you are sending a String.

Remove the quotes from your “INTEGER” in postman like I did in the example below, and I believe it will work.


I hope this helps.

William Robert Alves

Hello! Thank you for the prompt reply. Even on removing the quotes, task is still not retrieved. In fact even on searching for other parameters which are strings, the search for task or process variables is not working


Can you show me a printscreen of your postman after response please?

I have attached the image above

Trying to use “like” operator, or “value” operator, and show me the results please.

@spatil181 check whether task has any incidents?

Is it a task instance scoped variable?

Did you try?

processVariables attribute instead of taskVariables attribute

Same issue with processVariables as well as caseInstanceVariable

I’m sorry what exactly do you mean by “incidents”?

Is authorization enabled?
Does the call return data if taskVariables condition is omitted ?

Yes if I omit taskVariables, all tasks are returned