Getting parse exception when trying to evaluate multiple ranges in DMN

Hi everyone,

We have recently upgraded to Camunda 7.17 and our tests started to fail with following exception

ENGINE-16004 Exception while closing command context: FEEL/SCALA-01008 Error while evaluating expression: failed to parse expression '[22..23], [0..5]': Expected end-of-input:1:9, found ", [0..5]"
org.camunda.bpm.dmn.feel.impl.FeelException: FEEL/SCALA-01008 Error while evaluating expression: failed to parse expression '[22..23], [0..5]': Expected end-of-input:1:9, found ", [0..5]"
	at org.camunda.bpm.dmn.feel.impl.scala.ScalaFeelLogger.evaluationException(
	at org.camunda.bpm.dmn.feel.impl.scala.ScalaFeelEngine.evaluateSimpleUnaryTests(
	at org.camunda.bpm.dmn.engine.impl.evaluation.DecisionTableEvaluationHandler.evaluateFeelSimpleUnaryTests(

We have multiple ranges separated by coma in DMN and seems that it’s causing this issue. I checked release notes and couldn’t find anything. Is it expected behavior or a bug?

Please see DMN attached below.
DeliveryCompany.dmn (5.9 KB)

Hi @Lyaman_Agabekova

You encountered a known bug (FeelParser Cannot Parse Multiple Intervals Combined With Disjunction · Issue #349 · camunda/feel-scala · GitHub). It is already fixed in the FEEL engine since version 1.14.0.

It will be fixed in Camunda 7.18.0 (or in previous patch versions). Depending on your environment, you could dump the FEEL engine of the Camunda Platform manually.

Best regards,

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Hello Philipp, thanks a lot!