Hello everyone,
I looked through the existing topics but somehow couldn’t find a solution to my problem, so I hope it’s ok if I ask jet another question concerning task IDs.
First of all sorry if my wording is not technical enough, I’m a stundent in second semester and it’s my first time working with process engines. For my project I need to link a certain process definition to a custom ui. When posting the complete-task-method I get the error message, that the task with the given ID could not be found (and that the task is null). I also have the bpmn-diagram of the definition and checked the task ID multiple times, so there is no typo. Did I get anything wrong and the ID contains more that what can be seen in the Camunda Modeller? Or did I miss anything while modelling the whole thing (it is a rather simple model with user tasks, two gateways and form fields)? I use REST for the communication between process engine and ui.
Thanks in advance.