Hi Niall,
Thanks for the note.
To answer your second question: No. Can’t find any of the tasks when I send the [http://Server IP]:8080/engine-rest/task using Postman, I get an empty array back with Status 200. Same results for POST or GET.
Below is the process I followed using Postman. May be you can see something that I’ve been missing over the past 10 hours! I have masked the server ip for obvious reasons. However, this is a demo server. So if you really want access, it’s not a problem.
I am using community 7.9.0.
Also, this is a really simple model. I have attached it to this email. Hopefully it’ll upload or otherwise get to you.
Thanks for any and all help. This is now my roadblock and any pointers will be appreciated.
Step 1: Use Postman to start the process (Already deployed using the modeler)
Method: POST
URL: http://IP:8080/engine-rest/process-definition/key/verifyUser/start
Body: Raw, JSON(application/json)
"userName" : {
"value" : "username",
"type": "String"
"password" : {
"value" : "password",
"type": "String"
"userVerified" : {
"value" : "NoK",
"type" : "String"
“businessKey” : “0001”,
“withVariablesInReturn”: true
Status: 200
"links": [
"method": "GET",
"href": "http://IP:8080/engine-rest/process-instance/ed14e97a-9f54-11e8-ab74-a202dc723aa6",
"rel": "self"
"id": "ed14e97a-9f54-11e8-ab74-a202dc723aa6",
"definitionId": "verifyUser:1:ea6336f9-9f54-11e8-ab74-a202dc723aa6",
"businessKey": "0001",
"caseInstanceId": null,
"ended": false,
"suspended": false,
"tenantId": null,
"variables": {
"password": {
"type": "String",
"value": "password",
"valueInfo": {}
"userVerified": {
"type": "String",
"value": "NoK",
"valueInfo": {}
"userName": {
"type": "String",
"value": "username",
"valueInfo": {}
In Cockpit, I see the process started. It is waiting on the first Service Task (since the worker is not running)
Step 1: Use Postman to follow the blog to Get a Task
Method: GET (same results with POST)
URL: http://IP:8080/engine-rest/task/?processInstanceId=ed14e97a-9f54-11e8-ab74-a202dc723aa6
Body: Raw, JSON(application/json)
Or nothing at all, same results.
Status: 200
genericLogin.bpmn (5.72 KB)