I have setup my camunda using the default docker compose setup. And I got keycloak successfully hosted behind ngrok.
My goal is to run camunda with ngrok pointing at;
https://camunda-auth.dev.klustr.io/ (:18080)
https://camunda-tasks.dev.klustr.io/ (port :8082)
I needed to configure keycloak so that it could accept the X-Forwarded-For headers and got a successful login flow initiated after modifying the camunda docker-compose file.
Right now I’m stuck the TASKLIST /identity redirect is using the IP address as a redirect.
You can see the flow completes but /identity-callback running tries to redirect to the IP.
I assume I should SOMEHOW configure tasklist to tell it "Hey you are hosted at https://camunda-tasks.dev.klustr.io … but I can’t find it…
I looked up source code for tasklist identity controller and it looks like this;
How can I configure tasklist (and other related services) to know that they are on hostname. My ngrok proxy is passing all the headers (X-Forwarded-Proto, X-Forwarded-Host, X-Forwarded-Port)…
Any help appreciated!