HAProxy to TaskList (Camunda 8 Docker Compose Setup)


I have setup my camunda using the default docker compose setup. And I got keycloak successfully hosted behind ngrok.

My goal is to run camunda with ngrok pointing at;

https://camunda-auth.dev.klustr.io/ (:18080)
https://camunda-tasks.dev.klustr.io/ (port :8082)

I needed to configure keycloak so that it could accept the X-Forwarded-For headers and got a successful login flow initiated after modifying the camunda docker-compose file.

Right now I’m stuck the TASKLIST /identity redirect is using the IP address as a redirect.

You can see the flow completes but /identity-callback running tries to redirect to the IP.

I assume I should SOMEHOW configure tasklist to tell it "Hey you are hosted at https://camunda-tasks.dev.klustr.io … but I can’t find it…

I looked up source code for tasklist identity controller and it looks like this;

How can I configure tasklist (and other related services) to know that they are on hostname. My ngrok proxy is passing all the headers (X-Forwarded-Proto, X-Forwarded-Host, X-Forwarded-Port)…

Any help appreciated!

When you setup with docker, did you update with hostname for KEYCLOAK and HOST key in the .env file? If not you can update the .env file to put the hostname.

I figured it all out and set this up and it all works now! Thanks.

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