Hello Team , whats the tablename where this joblogs HOSTNAME is stored ? in camunda db?

Hello Team , what would be the table name were my hostname is getting stored in camunda database ?

this hostname is coming from which table ?

Hi @vinodgaikwad,

better late than never: The table ACT_HI_JOB_LOG contains a column HOSTNAME_. It’s not included in the documentation: Database Schema | docs.camunda.org, but it’s used in the code: https://github.com/camunda/camunda-bpm-platform/blob/e573859c094bff126b86cffc2d0295068a7d8ad1/engine/src/main/resources/org/camunda/bpm/engine/impl/mapping/entity/HistoricJobLog.xml#L49

Hope this helps, Ingo