Help with modeling and implementing


I would like to ask for some help, if you don’t mind.

I’m currently making a model, and junit tests for it. It’s similar to one of the old showcases, it’s about car insurance.

Here is a picture of a part of the model:

There is plenty generated forms in the first user task, and the two decision tables work from them. I have a value called License Plate. I have a .txt file, which is full of license plates (e.g.: ABS-123) and I want to test if the license plate value given by the user is matching one of the expressions in the .txt. If so, i want to reject the application immediately.

I’ve been trying to do it with parallel gateway, and with a service task before the first decision table, but i didn’t manage to make it work. Can you help me with my problem?

I’d appreciate it.

Hi @snajesz,

maybe adding a service task, followed by an exclusive gateway, could be a solution?

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Hi @Matthijs_Burke!

Thanks, yes I also modelled a similar solution. What I can’t manage to do is run this in eclipse with Java API.
I can write junit test for the decision tables, and they give the right result, but I just can’t make it work for the whole process. Especially for this ckeck for duplicates task. I should give all the form field values to the rating table, but also the result if a duplicate existed, how would you do thaT?

This is the junit code I wrote for the decision tables.

Thanks for your help!