Historic variables audit

Hi. I am confused, maybe you can help me out. We have a simple state (lifecycle phases) model, realized via (case-)variables. So every newly started instance gates an initial state and during progress this value is updated a couple of times. We have full history active.

Now we need to reconstruct the state-change events… when I query the act_hi_varinst (sql and historyService/variableInstanceQuery) I get only the latest key/value pair, plus a revision that indicates that there had been changes on the variable … But What I need is a history of changes … can I get this from the historyService?

I assumed that would be part of the varInst-List Result … is it because we are using case instances? Or do I remember incorrectly and this was never a feature?


@jangalinski you need to use the Historic Detail Instances. These track the changes. When you do the query you can filter by variableChanges.


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oh … “all” … well “you” in particular :slight_smile:


@StephenOTT @jangalinski

If I have to check the audit information of a variable, where can I check in the DB ?

EX: I want to know the change in value for process variable “status”, which table can give me audit log of all the values set for the variable “status” along with the time the value was set ?