Is there a way to react programmatically to a deployment? Not during parsing of the xml, but after the processDefinition was written to the db and the process can be used?
Hi @jangalinski,
currently, there is no way to react on a new deployment. In a process application, you can invoked when the auto-deployment is done.
Best regards,
Yes I know, in that particular project we do not use a process application … I guess a genereal post deploy hook on the repositoryService would be a good idea, will open a feature issue.
Thanks for your response.
is there an update to this? The story is still “open”.
Is there a way of getting informed if a deployment has happened or is currently happening?
Best regards,
Could you please explain what you would need this for? Thank you!
I am exploring dynamic changes of BPMN an DMN, so you (re-)deploy diagrams while your app keeps running. Having a hook to get noticed on deployment would allow me to (examples):
- automatically migrate running process instances to the new version
- re-evaluate decision tables based on the new requirements
- run tests that verify correct behavior
- …
Interesting idea! What advatages does this way (dynamically chaning the application) has over deploying a new version of the application? This can be done without interrupting operation. This would allow you to test the changes etc. Is migrating process instances the crucial point? This is a thing I’d personally try to avoid and let the processes run to the end in the model version they started in.
But I have no reason to not to introduce such notification. It would fit nicely in the overall schema.
DMN is the driver here … I consider DMN to part of the systems configuration, not the code itself. When I need new configuration, which might be edited by hand or even generated on the fly (structure of table stays the same, threshold values change) and I rely having the changes in my code base I would need a) developers to bring the changes into the repository and b) a deployment in what way ever …