How can data be merged in Data Handling Concept introduced with 8.3?


I tried out the new data binding feature with paths as documented on Data binding | Camunda 8 Docs

I create a simple process which has three subsequent tasks

  • Enter name
  • Enter age
  • Confirm both

See the process model:

I tried this out with the tasklist app. Unfortunately, in “Confirm both” it only shows the age because the process variable “user” with value {"name":"John"} created in the first step is overwritten in the second step with value {"age":22}. In this case it would be nice if it merged both JSON objects, i.e. {"name":"John", "age":22}.

Is there any way to get them merged? Will this be supported in future?


In case anyone stumbles across this issue: it is being tracked in Group `path` is not merging variables across forms · Issue #913 · bpmn-io/form-js · GitHub