How can I access the 'execution' object in a DMN literal expression?

In many places in BPMNs, such as in scripts or JUEL expressions, I have access to a predefined object called “execution”, which can be used to access variables, for example.

Does an execution object also exist in DMNs or, more precisely, in a literal expression of a DMN?

I have a wrapper class for my process variables:

public class VariableWrapper {
	private final VariableScope scope;
	public VariableWrapper(VariableScope scope) {
		this.scope = scope;

	public String getAccountNumber() {
		return scope.getVariable("accountNumber");
	public void setAccountNumber(String value) {
		scope.setVariable("accountNumber", value);

	public String getAssignToUser() {
		return scope.getVariable("assignToUser");

In delegates and task listeners I can use it as follows:

public void execute(DelegateExecution execution) {
	VariableWrapper vars = new VariableWrapper(execution);

In a BPMN diagram I can use it for example by implementing a groovy script:

def vars = new my.package.VariableWrapper(execution); // 'execution' is predefined in the script context
println "Account: " + vars.getAccountNumber()

But in a DMN I didn’t find the predefined ‘execution’ object. However, all the process variables are in the context, but the ‘execution’ is missing. Does it simply have another name?

I’d like to create a literal expression that creates the ‘vars’ instance, and inject it into my decision table - see DemoDecision.dmn (2.7 KB)

But the execution fails with an exception: “javax.script.ScriptException: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: execution for class: Script3”

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