How can I use CamundaClient API (formerly ZeebieClient API) to access locally installed Camunda 8 Run without need of authentication?

My setup is as follows (for development purpose only !):

  • local Camunda 8.7 Run installation (under Ubuntu in WSL)
  • Java Spring Boot application with dependency to spring-boot-starter-camunda-sdk (8.8.0-alpha2-rc1)
  • no integration into authentication infrastructure (Keycloak)

Accessing Task List ui and Operate ui from the browser with default credentials works fine.
From the application that part of CamundaClient methods which is routed via gRPC works fine too.
However that part of CamundaClient methods which is routed via http runs into 401 responses.

Confusingly the CamundaClient obviously uses API version v2 for HTTP requests while the Swagger-UI of the Camunda Run engine (http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html) only provides API version v1.
(Execution of v1-API requests is possible without authentication demand.)

How can I make the whole function set of CamundaClient working in the mentioned developer setup?

Hi @Lutz_Kasselmann, welcome to the forums! There are instructions for connecting to C8 Run here. In short, you need to grab the cookie from your browser and use it in your requests. A few notes:

  • 8.7 is still an alpha release, so expect there to be some issues;
  • C8 Run is meant to be a very minimal local environment for rapid prototyping and testing, not a complete environment, so some features are intentionally left out of this build; you can use Docker for a fully featured installation if needed