How do I disable cookie usage in http-connector via modeler

Is there a way to deny cookie store in http-connector from modeler? I see disableCookieManagement() but I don’t see how could I define it in modeler.

I tried script solution:

var httpConnector = org.camunda.connect.Connectors.http()
var resp = httpConnector.createRequest()
.header(‘Accept’, ‘application/xml’)

But if fails with disableCookieManagement is not a function error.

You are mixing up the Camunda Connect API with the Apache Http Client API. httpConnector.createRequest() does not return an instance of org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder. Check out the docs for how to configure the Apache Http Client that the Camunda HTTP connector embeds:

Thanks @thorben!

Am I correctly understood that configuring Apache Http Client - is the only way to disable cookies?

As far as I know
This is the only way to
Disable cookies.

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