I believe that to do what you are needing, you will have to create another process that is started through a timer, and this process, after being started, correlates by sending a message to start your main process through a “message start event” as per I drew in the example flow.
Another thing you can do is to wrap the “other” task in a call activity, that is, transform it into an individual process, and then have a Timer start that calls your subprocess through the call activity, as shown in the example below:
Create a exclusive process to initiate by timer, and calling your service task “other” by an call activity (your service task must be in an exclusive process to be called through the call activity.).
OBS: You have a flow leaving your “AQUA_MODIS” task towards an exclusive gateway, and a flow leaving towards your “Other” task, I believe you cannot do this, unless you connect the “other” task as well on the exclusive gateway and validate where the instance should go.