How does one design a DDD bounded context in C8?


I’m trying to bring (nested) object structures and types in the modeler and subsequently in the workers/connectors to reflect a particular (sub) domain instead of using semi-structure process variables that could be prone to confusion on a large domain.

I’ve looked into connectors : Introduction | Camunda Platform 8 Docs in order to bring a unified and simplified modeling experience for business analysts but still trying to get my head around it.

To be practical with the following example, how can one design these 2 bounded contexts (order sale and sale support) within the modeler (along with custom connectors templates?), in particular the customer and product entities?

Ref : BoundedContext

Hi @vincentgiraud,

loosly coupled end to end processes can connect with message events. A throwing message end event can be catched by a message start event.


Obviously not in the same diagram.

With this pattern, each domain can model their process diagram(s) and deploy it to a Camunda 8 cluster.

In the web modeler you can provide different folders for each domain.

The missing piece is a connector to correlate messages without writing a worker for it.

Hope this helps, Ingo

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