I have a exclusive gateway with 3 outgoing routes with the same condition. Documentation says “When an exclusive gateway is entered, the conditionExpression is evaluated. The process instance takes the first sequence flow where the condition is fulfilled.” But doesn’t explain how first sequence is determined. Is it the first flow on creation time or shortest/closest route to next task or some other criteria? Do I have to look into xml file to figure out which is the first flow or is there a indicator in the modeler UI for that?
In this case it will follow the order in which it appears in the XML of your process.
At the bottom of your Modeler you can see a tab written “XML”, by clicking on it you will have access to the XML of your process… the order that Camunda will respect in this case is the order that will be in the XML… whichever comes first in the XML will be the condition evaluated first.
NOTE: Generally the sequence in XML is determined by the creation order when modeling the process. Because as you create the elements in the modeler, the XML will automatically be filled in in the order in which each element was created.