How to access completed tasks and render data in their user tasks forms

I am wondering how to access the data submitted to the completed tasks.
Similar question to this

and this

After a task is completed it disappears from the /tasks results.
The /history/task does not return form variables and used form keys, so there is no way to dynamically load and display the data of a completed task using its dynamic user form.

Am I missing anything or how could I let my application users review the data that they have previously submitted to a task?

hello @shches,
Did you find any solutions for this issue? For me I’ve worked with this code historic-completed-tasks-variables-by-assignee-and-processbusinesskey , It gives me completed tasks only but for me I need variables from each task.


The code above is to get historic variables only. So how can I get variables from each completed task?
Any help, thank you

Hi @shches , I have same question and I’m still trying find solutions. Did you find any solutions?