How to access "output Parameters" of a user task in java


I am trying to implement custom listeners to handle some of internal eventing needs for our platform using camunda. My user task has below input and output parameters and I want to parse all parameters from my default Task listener added to engine as parse plugin.

execution.getVariables() is returning me only input parameters(firstname and secondName) and not output(fullName). How will I be able to retrieve output parameters? is output parameters not set as variables?

Hi @harish_malavade,

a quote from the docs:

whereas the name attribute of an outputParameter denotes the variable name outside of the activity.

The output variable is created during the task completion.

Your fullName is available in the following tasks with exection.getVariable("fullName").

Hope this helps, Ingo

Thank you @Ingo_Richtsmeier for the response. I want to pull all variables both input and output when the task is completed, without knowing the variable name, can I not do that within the task life cycle? will the output variable be set only post task complete and accessible after that?

Looks like the output variables are accessible only post task completion. Thanks @Ingo_Richtsmeier for the response