Hi All,
I have to achieve below. while making different calls to CRM, we need to get session id. I have developed a flow with various operations (i.e. CRUD ) and developed a common subflow (non-interupting) to get CRM Session id.
Now, the problem is when the control reaches to get CRM Session ID( Escalation event) the subsequent steps (CRUD) executes first (not synchronous) and then session ID fetches in parallel.
My intention is that the flow should be waiting for CRM session ID subflow outcome and then resumes from there for further steps.
CRM_Operations.bpmn (23.6 KB)
Hi @camundaabhishek,
the reason why your activities are processed in parallel is, because you use a non-interrupting start event for you event-subprocess. This event starts your subprocess but doesn’t interrupt the parent process.
For your specific problem I would suggest, that you use a normal SubProcess or a CallActivity, as these are easier to handle and to understand.
Here is an example for how you can use a CallActivit for your process:
The CallActivity in the upper pool replaces your SignalEvent. The CallActivity then executes the lower process and as soon as the lower process is finished, the upper process continues it’s normal flow.
Hope that helps.
Hi @MichiDahm, Agree, seems I have to fall back on callActivity. Thanks for answering.