Need to add new custom Authorizataion as already we have the following items:
Decision Definition
Decision requirements definition
Is there possibilities to add custom resource type into authorizations section
Hi @Richard_Gladwin,
This is not available in admin app. The only way is to add through API.
Yes we need the api to add . can you please provide us
This the thing i wanted i cannot see any api on the docs for creating resources …
@hassang Need to call which api for creating our own custom resource type
Hi @Richard_Gladwin,
The same API but for each custom resource use a unique integer other than reserved integers so for example: you use integers within the range (> 90 )
Below link lists all reserved integers
Hi @hassang Same api refering to what ??
Hi @Richard_Gladwin,
This REST API method to create an authorization
Below is an example of a request body in which value 91 is used for resourceType
{"type" : 0,
"permissions": ["CREATE", "READ"],
"userId": "*",
"groupId": null,
"resourceType": 91,
"resourceId": "*"}
Also Java API can be used
{“type” : 0,
“permissions”: [“CREATE”, “READ”],
“userId”: “",
“groupId”: null,
“resourceType”: 91,
“resourceId”: "”}
here - resource id is any name rite
will this work on older versions or this is only work in latest ?
so if i use this API i can add a new resource into authorization is it right?
Hi @Richard_Gladwin,
Let’s say that you have a custom Car resource with a custom Id of 123 and want to grant user1 Read permission to it then below Post request can be used to create an authorization
{"type" : 1,
"permissions": ["READ"],
"userId": "user1",
"groupId": null,
"resourceType": 91,
"resourceId": "123"}
And to perform authorization check, below Get request can be used