How to add camunda external Forms to userTasks

Hello ,
As per our requirement we need to integrate the external forms to the Camunda User tasks
External form is created in the

Referred the below url to use the reference
Form Builder (Drag and Drop) + Form Server Validations

As per the docs i need to provide the FormKey for the UserTask form

can anyone suggest the how to achieve this or syntax for the external form Formkeys.


Hi @asperitas_ltd

the following link can be a good guide :

Hello @mrdavoodi64

i’m new to camunda and also,
Do in need to add the plugin in camunda for supporting forms?

I created one form in
PFA for form json file
MyUT1.json (6.0 KB)

also added the form key to camunda user task form

and while deployment to camunda selected the form JSON file

it got deployed successfully.
but after starting the process it’s showing below type of error on UI

Am i doing something wrong or missing something ?