I am able to create a BPMN model using Fluent Builder API but need to implement the participant (Pool and lanes).Please share the sample code if possible.
Hi @Rehita,
I don’t think that you can add them via Fluent Builder. Pool and lanes are not used during process execution, why would you need them in Fluent API?
I have the same problem as this case “I am able to create a BPMN model using Fluent Builder API but need to implement the participant (Pool and lanes).Please share the sample code if possible.”
Sorry, What do you mean “Pool and lanes are not used during process execution”, please explain to me, I don’t understand.
By the way, I need to implement the participant (Pool and lanes) to to solve my problem, that is transforming the EPC diagram into the bpmn diagram automatically. based on this paper (https://bpt.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/foswiki/pub/Public/OryxResearch/TransformEPC2BPMN.pdf) I have to translate the Organization Unit / Position elements into participants at bpmn.
Please help me.
Hi, I am looking for same scenario need to create participant pools and lanes in BPMN Model with Fluent API Builder. Anyone achieved this scenario? Please let me if its possible.