How to build an Condition Expression for validating a Date within a Date Range in Camunda 8


we´re trying to validate an date on an sequence flow via Condition Expression. The date has to be between today and -9 Months. So far we have tried Expression with the duration() and during() Functions but the validation ends always in false or a Null. Here is our latest examples:

date(testDate)=during(date(testDate), [date("2023-08-01")])
date(testDate)=during(date(testDate), [today()"P9M")])
date(testDate)=during(date(testDate), today()-duration("P9M")

What would be the best way of actually achieving this?

Best regards

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(date(testDate)>(date(today())-duration("P9M"))) and (date(testDate)<date(today()))
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Thank you very much. This resolved our issue :+1:

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