I followed the instruction from here http://plexiti.github.io/camunda-grails-plugin/guide/configuration.html#alternative-database, but did not get any luck.
I am using Camunda grails plugin, I just wanted to config the Camunda to use MySQL in the grails project.
Is there any full example to guide us?
Thanks a lot for help.
I followed this instruction and made it happen.
I used web-app/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml in grails project.
I believe there is other ways to achieve this if someone else likes to share.
BTW, there is a property called jobExecutorActivate with default value false based on the user guide. Do I need to change the value to true?
Hope it would help the others whom are working on grails projects with amazing Camunda plugin.
Any help?
I followed the http://plexiti.github.io/camunda-grails-plugin/guide/configuration.html#alternative-database to change the grails-app/conf/Config.groovy file. But error occurred with Cannot resolve reference to bean ‘camundaProcessEngineConfigurationBean’ while setting bean property ‘processEngineConfiguration’.
By now, applicationContext.xml config fixed this issue, but caused another issue.
- If only changed the data source in applicationContext.xml, and current application does not have another data source, everything worked great.
- If current application has another datasouce, even camuda data source was configured in applicationContext.xml, camunda plugin still interacted with application data source and created the work flow engine tables.
- If the data source is configured both in grails-app/conf/Config.groovy, grails-app/conf/DataSource.groovy and applicationContext.xml, than everything worked as we expected. But we have to maintain the same data source connections in DataSource.groovy and applicationContext.xml. It does not make any sense.
Can anyone can help on this? Can we just use the alternative database by using pure grails way?
Thanks in advance.