How to change the intermediate throw event’s name according to process variables

I’m trying to change the intermediate throw event’s name given by a process variable according to the topic discussed in the following thread. But was not a success. Can someone please help me out?

Thanks in advance.

can you elaborate, what you’re trying to achieve?
Why would you like to change the name of the throw event?

The user task name will be shown in the task list. Therefore, changing its name has an effect on the user interface. However, changing the name of an event at run-time has no effect at all. It will not be displayed.

Hi Stephan,

Thanks for the reply.

Actually, what I’m trying to achieve here is to maintain a status history as explained below video.

However, I want to keep the status as the user’s choice, not a predefined one. For example, if the user selects “Approved” on the form, the status must be logged as “Approved”. But if the user selects “Declined” on the form, the status must be logged as “Declined”. Likewise.

I think, I understand, and I can confirm your observation:
If you set your event name to a variable, it does not resolve at run-time (see example):
noDynamicEventName.bpmn (3.6 KB)

I’m not 100% sure about the reason. However, if we look at the activity lifecycle, there is an update event that is raised when the task changes. Thus, I guess it is generally accepted and intended to change a task. This is not the case for events — we only have start and end.

Unfortunately, I don’t know the answer to your problem. If you want to use optimize, you may use a separate variable and show the variable value instead of the event name.

Thanks once again @StephanHaarmann

I can have a workaround with an exclusive gateway. But I was trying to simplify it. However, I’ll also check for any other possibilities.
