How to check, how many requests are processing in Pool/Participant?

Hi All,

I’m using Spring Boot Camunda with RabbitMQ messaging system. So RabbitMQ producer produces multiple requests and on consuming each request I’m creating new Pool/Participant processEngine.getRuntimeService().startProcessInstanceByKey("T1").

Now I was trying to get the number of concurrent requests that are executing in T1 pool below is the code that I’m using:-

    List<JobDefinition> name = processEngine.getManagementService().createJobDefinitionQuery()

Actually we are calling API and I want to pass 5 requests at a time to my API but if the consumer is consuming the 50 requests, keep passing to service task that is inside Pool T1 and service task keep calling the API for all 50 requests.

So I’m not able to control it do anyone has any Camunda related properties for other suggestion?

Thank you in advance for suggestion and comments.

With Regards,
Vinit Kumar