I have set default-serialization-format: application/json.
Inside java code I am building a request object and passing it as variable to camunda process. I have a service task where I have configured http-connector to call external rest service. I am not able to pass the saved java object as json body in post request.
I don’t have any problem in serializing a variable.
I have set the default serialization format to application/json. I can see that variable is saved in the h2 database in ACT_GE_BYTEARRAY table. The problem is when I try to read the same variable inside http-connector configuration, I am not able to convert it to string. Variable that I am getting in connector config is of type JacksonJsonNode node and not a java object type that I have used to create initially.
May be while creating a payload via script , I have used a wrong API to get variable value from execution context.