How to create a resource file, modify it, save it, but not deploy it

Since the database does not save the model, I intend to replace it with BPMN resources. Is there any way to do it? It is similar to that I created a process model, but did not deploy it. The process model was displayed. The customer can modify the model, and then confirm the process model, and the customer can deploy it himself,Finally, generate process definition,Ask for help sincerely

@gogo, Camunda database stores the bpmn model and caches it when deployed.

If you want to create bpmn process and modify to deploy it later, then maybe you can have look into the below Saas solutions from camunda.

Enterprise users can deploy the cawemo in on-premise cloud infrastructure.

Can you save it to the database only after deployment?

you can deploy it as a resource as described in here:

Thank you very much, another problem is how to modify the key, name and description in bpmnmodeling after converting InputStream to bpmnmodelingstance