How to customise `LongPolling-ActivateJobsHandler` in Zeebe Gateway?

Alexey Vinogradov: Hello Team!

Is there any way to customize LongPollingActivateJobsHandler? I mean is there any way to configure io.camunda.zeebe.gateway.impl.job.LongPollingActivateJobsHandler.Builder#longPollingTimeout and io.camunda.zeebe.gateway.impl.job.LongPollingActivateJobsHandler.Builder#probeTimeoutMillis and io.camunda.zeebe.gateway.impl.job.LongPollingActivateJobsHandler.Builder#minEmptyResponses?

Alexey Vinogradov: I can see that these settings could be only configured by tests :thinking_face:

zell: Havent looked at the code yet but I thougt some could be set via worker cfg

Alexey Vinogradov: Hey <@U6WCLLNGJ>, no it is about gateway config

zell: I think you’re right. Could you create an issue for it to make it configurable?

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Alexey Vinogradov: I’ve created