How to delete a process Instance programatically using operate API

Hey Team , Iam a beginner we are migrating from camunda 7 to camunda 8.5 so for POC we are testing few API’s , so I want to delete a process Instance programatically using operate API

private void operateClient() throws OperateException {
SelfManagedAuthentication sma = new SelfManagedAuthentication().clientId(clientId).clientSecret(clientSecret).keycloakUrl(“http://localhost:18080/auth/realms/camunda-platform/protocol/openid-connect/token").keycloakRealm("camunda-platform”);
this.clientO = new CamundaOperateClient.Builder().authentication(sma)

ProcessDefinitionFilter processDefinitionFilter = new ProcessDefinitionFilter.Builder().name(“Customer Onboarding”).build();
SearchQuery procDefQuery = new SearchQuery.Builder().filter(processDefinitionFilter).size(20).sort(new Sort(“version”, SortOrder.ASC)).build();

List<ProcessDefinition> list = clientO.searchProcessDefinitions(procDefQuery);
ProcessInstance process = clientO.getProcessInstance("2251799813685353l");

but I’m unable to find the method to delete ,Could anyone please help to confirm in case you have idea about this.
Appreciate your kind understanding

The issue is solved I’ve got the end point of operate API.

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