How to delete / duplicate a DMN rule in the modeler?

What is the best way to delete a rule in the Modeler? I didn’t found any so the current workaround I use is:

  • switch to XML
  • find the rule you want to delete
  • remove the <rule />
  • save
  • switch to Table
  • switch to DRD
  • switch back

I don’t know how to actually do this but if someone mentors me I’ll fork camunda-modeler, change this (I have absolutely no idea what to look for in the sources) and add a pull request for adding the “± add/remove” context menu we already have for the Input/Output fields…

I’ve created another input field and have to duplicate half of the rules and using the modeler only currently seems to mean:

  • create a new rule (at end)
  • move it below/before the line you want to duplicate (the context add would remove this part)
  • manually pasting each field of the rule by:
    • mouse-click (old cell)
    • [CTRL]+[C]
    • mouse-click (new cell)
    • [CTRL]+[V]

The XML version is similar to the above but quite bad as all identifiers in there has to be changed.

The duplication could be added to the fields, too (why not?), but I’d consider it nearly mandatory for the rules.


  • Is there a better way of doing this currently?
  • How to hack these missing features into the modeler?

Hi @cmensch,

have you tried right click in the table?:

Hope this helps,


Marvelous :slight_smile:

… Nearly.
I’ve right clicked on the row (containing the number). Can I add the popup there myself?

It would have been quite helpful if this would be in - can you add it there, please?

Hi @cmensch,

thanks for the hint, I’ve created a pull request: add right-click to delete something by ingorichtsmeier · Pull Request #140 · camunda/camunda-docs-manual · GitHub

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Cheers, Ingo

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Thank you for the information. First PR is in already, more edits to come :slight_smile:

@Ingo_Richtsmeier - Can you share some insights how to add the context menu to the row title (1, 2, 3, …)? I normally use “Search this repo” but it doesn’t help here. As an example: the cell context menu has “Add description” in, but when I search the repo there is no occurrence of this string at all, therefore I can’t check how it is attached to the cell and can’t create a PR to add it to the row title cell.