How to delete Process in Camunda 8.2?


I renamed the process id in the bpmn due to a typo and now there are two processes showing in Operate with the same process name. So when a process instance is being created, two instances are created, one in the old process and one in the new process.

This is absurd. I’d like to delete or at least terminate the old process so new process instances wouldn’t get created in the old process.

It looks like the “Delete” button is only present from Camunda 8.3 and onwards.

zbctl delete resource gives an error:

Error: rpc error: code = Internal desc = Unexpected error occurred between gateway and broker (code: UNSUPPORTED_MESSAGE) (message: Expected to handle only messages of type [JOB, DEPLOYMENT, PROCESS_INSTANCE, INCIDENT, MESSAGE, JOB_BATCH, VARIABLE_DOCUMENT, PROCESS_INSTANCE_CREATION, DECISION_EVALUATION, PROCESS_INSTANCE_MODIFICATION, SIGNAL, COMMAND_DISTRIBUTION, PROCESS_INSTANCE_BATCH], but received one of type 'RESOURCE_DELETION')

Looks like Resource deletion is not supported for some reason?

How do I achieve what I want to achieve while keeping the same Camunda version?