Hello everyone,
Here are some pictures that can show my confusion.
I want to know how to distinguish the expression of these two IDs without changing the form IDs of the first two user tasks.
Thanks in advance !
Hello everyone,
Here are some pictures that can show my confusion.
I want to know how to distinguish the expression of these two IDs without changing the form IDs of the first two user tasks.
Thanks in advance !
Hey @clz1,
If you create a form field with an id that id equals the variable name in the overall process context. this means if you use in every user task the id name
you use the same variable and the input of the second task will overwrite the value of the first task. If task one and task two should not share the same variable you have to rename the id. The label is the readable field that will show up in the task list to the user. This can be the same in both cases.
Your last example uses the variable name in an expression after an XOR gateway. So either you have just one variable that is used by task 1 and task 2 then you have only one id. If task 1 and task 2 should not share the same variable you need to change the id of them and then make sure to use the id you need in your expression.
I hope this helps
OK,I will rename the ID to
solve the problem.Thank you for your response.