How to execute standalone .dmn files?

Hi all,

I’m a complete beginner in BPM tools.
This is my use case:

  1. I’ll create .dmn files (very light; not that complex).
  2. Execute those .dmn files by passing data in python pandas dataframes.

I’ve gotten a good hang of step-1 (thanks to Youtube videos).
Doubts in step-2:
2.1) How to execute a standalone .dmn file?
2.2) I can pass the input data in the form of json as well (to the KIE server’s API point) but is there any optimised solution? (my input can range from 10 rows to 10k rows.

Any sort of help or direction would mean a lot. Stuck on it for for almost a month now.


Hi @Rishab_Bansal

So are you using Camunda 8 SaaS or are you using the self managed version of Camunda 8?

Also - how exactly are you executing the DMN files at the moment, which api are you using?

Currently, I’m using KIE Extended Services sandbox to execute my test .dmn files.