How to extract string from json using inline expression

I am using Camunda 7
I have a json in a variable like:

    "key": "value"

Let’s say I have it in a variable named ‘response’

Now, I want to extract the “value” out of it, so I’ve created another variable responseValue and in it’s value, I have written spin expression like


It does extract the value, but instead of extracting it as value, it extracts it as "value" (with the quotes)

Is there any other way to extract values? Is there anything I am not doing right?

PS: I need to fix it within the Modeler

Hello my friend!
Have you tried using

var key= execution.getVariable("key");
key = key.replaceAll('"', "");

or as an expression below:

${execution.getVariable("response").prop("key").stringValue().replaceAll('"', "")}

William Robert Alves

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