How to find the health of the zeebe cluster from java

Hi Guys,
We are trying to process zeebe commands from spring java with ZeebeClientLifecycle client and i want to check the health of the zeebe cluster before i submit the command to zeebe.
At present i can see ZeebeClientLifecycle client having isRunning() method which will not given real cluster health.

Can someone help me to identify the way to handle the same.

Is there any listener or ping request i can send to cluster? ,my goal basically is that don’t want to initiate any commands if the health of the cluster is not fine.

Hi @techpvk
Welcome to the forum… although this isn’t the right spot for this question :slight_smile:
This is aimed for Camunda Platform questions, specific stuff about Zeebe can be found on this forum. You’ll have more luck getting an answer there :slight_smile:

Hey @Niall thanks for the quick response!!!

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If they’re not fast enough on replying to you on the Zeebe forum feel free to mention how much more attentive the folks over at the Camunda Platform forum are :laughing: