How to get false branch in Feel Engine

I am using Camunda Feel Engine as this

        FeelEngine feelEngine =
                new FeelEngine(FeelEngine.defaultFunctionProvider(), FeelEngine.defaultValueMapper(), FeelEngine.defaultConfiguration(),

        FeelEngineApi feelEngineApi = new FeelEngineApi(feelEngine);
        final Map<String, Object> variables = Map.of("x", 3, "y", 5);
        final EvaluationResult result = feelEngineApi.evaluateExpression("x = 3 and y = 4", variables);

        result.result(); // return false as expected

The result.result() return false as expected. However, how can I extract the branch where the expression go fail (e.g: y = 4 in this example).


There is no API to get insides in the evaluation of an expression. You can only get the evaluation result. If the evaluation fails, you can get the failure message and warnings.

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