I have misunderstanding of DMN Table integration into BPMN Diagram. I have the BPMN Diagram that has a BusinessRuleTask instance (1) for the DMN Table. It goes to Delegate Expression (2). What settings (listeners, input / output etc) for (1) or (2) do I need to add to the Camunda Modeler to get in (2) the output for a given input (and where do I need to specify this input?).
Hi @gans,
why don’t you choose DMN as implementation? Then the engine would pass all process variables to your DMN decision table. You can use the input mapping if you have a name mismatch between process variables and input expressions in your table: https://docs.camunda.org/manual/7.10/reference/bpmn20/tasks/business-rule-task/ and https://docs.camunda.org/manual/7.10/user-guide/process-engine/variables/#input-output-variable-mapping.
If you keep the delegate expression, you have to implement a Java Delegate, provide it as a bean to the engine and you can handle the mapping in your own java code (or use the variable mapping on top).: https://docs.camunda.org/manual/7.10/reference/bpmn20/tasks/business-rule-task/#using-delegate-code.
Hope this helps, Ingo