I’am a new user of Camunda BPM, I want to use it for micro service orchestration but I have questions regarding the implementation and I cannot find an example for it:
Here is an overview of my architecture:
My WorkFlow is as follows:
Beginning of Saga
1- The orchestration sends a JSON to micro service A via KAFKA which does a processing and returns a Response A
2- The orchestration sends a JSON to micro service B via KAFKA which does a processing and returns a Response B
3- The orchestration sends some informations of response A + response B to micro-service C via KAFKA which processes and sends back a response
End of Saga.
At the moment I am able to write in Kafka, in the Adapter class but I don’t know where to listen to the responses.
How can i do to get the answers from the two tasks (response A + response B) and send them to the last task (Micro service C).
What is the best way to move objects through the current process?
Hope my problem is clear and thanks for the answers
Based on the example of the link, I tried to produce a workflow with Modeler for the process described in my first post and I would like to know if with this process, the Micro service “C” will only be executed if both services have finished their work?
When i try to run the code of the example that you suggest, I have this error ENGINE-02033 Delegate Expression ‘#{retrievePaymentAdapter}’ did neither resolve to an implementation of ‘interface org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.pvm.delegate.ActivityBehavior’ nor ‘interface org.camunda.bpm.engine.delegate.JavaDelegate’.
$ or # does not make a difference, it should actually work. Do you start the example right from github without any changes? As it works on my machine and Tarvis that puzzles me. Do you start via Maven? Or?
Now it work, it was necessary to send the message type “OrderPlacedEvent” to kafka first, otherwise I got the error that i mentionned. I started it as a Spring boot app
Now I want to know if i should add a listener for each step of the process (Listener for “RetrievePaymentCommand”, “FetchGoodsCommand” and “ShipGoodsCommand” ),
or the process is supposed to go to the end with the current code?
If i should add a listener, how can i only continue the process inside these new listener methods, because the orderPlacedReceived method kick of a new flow instance.
Ok - that is wired, as the error message should have been different. But good to know it works now!
The listeners are all started, but you need to have the other microservices running that do carry out the actual workaround payment and such. These services consume the command and will produce an event that this work is done, which in turn will make the order fulfillment go ahead.
I have a question in above workflow. for example if service A get fail or Service A accomplish receive an error event. at that scenario, Service A and Service B will be rollback but the Service B accomplished will be running and the parallel Gateways will be running.how can i handle or close messageReceive task and parallel gateways for example i am attaching my workflow. Please check and provide any best practice for this scenario.
Hey Gaur. Sorry - this got stuck in my inbox.
If still relevant you might want to look at embedded subprocesses and attach boundary events there. This allows you to better control the scope when something is cancelled…