June 27, 2017, 8:15am
I am currently working on camunda modeler and I want to retrieve the characteristics of the process (Name, id, …) that the user will enter to insert it in a Database.
For example for this process, I want to get the name of the process “processtest” that the user had enter.
In your opinion how i can do this?
Get the data from the bpmn-file that is saved by the user (It’s XML).
Here is a library to get the data easily with java:
Hope this helps, Ingo
June 27, 2017, 9:18am
Thanks for your response.
My probleme is when i add new property like "coût"in the panel it’s doesn’t appear in the XML.
what’s i will add to xml editor to have the value of my new property.
are you developing a modeler plugin?
Take a look at
It is important to add the moddleExtension, that bpmn-js knows the new variables are valid.
Take a closer look at the magic.json file in the descriptors folder.
June 27, 2017, 1:11pm
what i need is when i enter value in the field i need to get this value and insert it in database.
for example when i enter 30 in field “coût” i need to get this value and insert it in database.
that’s my code in the field implementation/costProp.js
'use strict';
var entryFactory = require('../../../../factory/EntryFactory'),
isIdValid = require('../../../../Utils').isIdValid,
getBusinessObject = require('bpmn-js/lib/util/ModelUtil').getBusinessObject;
var ScenarioHelper = require('../../../../helper/ScenariosHelper'),
getScenarioById = ScenarioHelper.getScenarioById,
getMetricsByElementId = ScenarioHelper.getMetricsByElementId;
var debug = require('debug')('cost-props');
module.exports = function(element, options) {
options = options || {};
var id =,
reference = options.reference,
label = options.label;
var costEntry = entryFactory.textField({
id: id || 'cost',
label: label || 'Coût',
modelProperty: 'cost',
reference: reference,
editable: true,
get: function(element, node) {
return {cost: 12 };
set: function(element, values, node) {
return [ costEntry ];
this code return automatically 12 in the “Coût” field, like the follow picture:
For the externalTopic the get method looks like the following:
get: function(element, node) {
var bo = getBusinessObject(element);
return { externalTopic: bo.get('camunda:topic') };
In your case you should do something like:
get: function(element, node) {
var bo = getBusinessObject(element);
return { cost: bo.get('custom:cost') };
But I think before that you have to define a namespace in your descriptor json file, extend the bpmn:UserTask and add the property cost.
"name": "custom",
"prefix": "custom",
"uri": "http://custom",
"xml": {
"tagAlias": "lowerCase"
"associations": [],
"types": [
"name": "YourUserTask",
"extends": [ "bpmn:UserTask" ],
"properties": [
"name": "cost",
"type": "String",
"isAttr": true
In my point of view you have to do that. If not the variable is not added to xml.
Take a look at how that is done in the example I posted before