I’m trying to listen for link start events. Currently not even the parse listener is acknowledging the link intermediateThrowEvent …
What listener/handler can I use for the link start events? It might be that I’m missing something or the “GoTo” behavior of the link doesn’t register with the ProcessEngine. Thus far I could only solve the problem with workarounds: e.g. if a sequence flow has been executed and it points to a link intermediateThrowEvent I consider the throw event executed.
The use-case is the process test coverage library:
The coverage doesn’t reach 100% with link events, although they have actually been covered.
I guess I’ll go with my workaround… It could make some sense registering the throwing link events in the history to be able to find out which event triggered a catch event in case of multiple throwing events.
@z0rbas instead of the sequence flow pointing to the Link Throw, could you use the sequence flow coming out of the Link Catch? So if the sequence flow execution listener fires, then you know the link was successful because it is on the Catch side.
@thorben Execution Listeners on the Link Event should not function? (just tested and did not appear to work).