How to read custom elements in delegates

I’ve added a custom modelExtension to my processes along with Camunda’s. How can I access to my custom elements inside from my ExecutionListeners? I’ve been trying the methods from ExtensionElements but I only get null as a result every time…

Cheers, Gonzalo.


could you provide a XML example of your custom elements and the code you tried to access them.


My model:

“name”: “Isyc”,
“uri”: “”,
“prefix”: “isyc”,
“xml”: {
“tagAlias”: “lowerCase”
“associations”: [],
“types”: [
“name”: “AttachedCondition”,
“superClass”: [
“properties”: [
“name”: “name”,
“type”: “String”,
“isAttr”: true
“name”: “description”,
“type”: “String”,
“isAttr”: true
“name”: “AttachedConditions”,
“superClass”: [
“properties”: [
“name”: “values”,
“type”: “AttachedCondition”,
“isMany”: true
“enumerations”: []

In the execution listener I managed to access the atacchedConditions element like this:

public void notify(DelegateExecution env) throws Exception {

    ModelElementInstance conditions = ModelElementInstance conditions = env.getBpmnModelElementInstance().getExtensionElements().getUniqueChildElementByNameNs("", "attachedConditions");
    ModelElementInstance condition = conditions.getUniqueChildElementByNameNs("", "attachedCondition");
    String name = condition.getAttributeValueNs("", "name");
    String description = condition.getAttributeValueNs("", "description");


With that, I can access to the first condition, but I don’t know how to access to all the conditions as an array or a collection.


I assume your XML looks something like this:

    <custom:attachedCondition name="one" description="foo"/>
    <custom:attachedCondition name="two" description="bar"/>

You can then use the XML Model API to access the child elements for your attachedConditions element:

String namespace = "";
ExtensionElements extensionElements = flowElement.getExtensionElements();

ModelElementInstance attachedConditions = 
      .getUniqueChildElementByNameNs(namespace, "attachedConditions");

List<DomElement> childElements = 

for (DomElement childElement : childElements) {
  String name = childElement.getAttribute("name");
  String description = childElement.getAttribute("description");

Or if the attachedConditions element can also have other child elements you could use internal API to register a generic type to filter by it.

String namespace = "";
ExtensionElements extensionElements = flowElement.getExtensionElements();

ModelElementInstance attachedConditions = 
      .getUniqueChildElementByNameNs(namespace, "attachedConditions");

ModelInstanceImpl modelInstance = 
    (ModelInstanceImpl) flowElement.getModelInstance();

ModelElementType attachedConditionType = 
      .registerGenericType(namespace, "attachedCondition");

Collection<ModelElementInstance> attachedConditionList =  

for (ModelElementInstance attachedCondition : attachedConditionList) {
  String name = attachedCondition.getAttributeValue("name");
  String description = childElement.getAttribute("description");


Thank you so much!!

My XML looks just like that and the generic types is exactly what I was looking for.

Thanks again, that is really helpful for my project.

hellow,How do I get getflowelement and then get the name of flowelement.