Hello everyone. I am stuck in trying to reference Output from another table in DMN. I am using so called “dependent tables”. I have no idea what I am missing and I think I have tried all combinations.
The “furthest” tables do work and they get evaluated. But tables called Customer validation, Product validation, Application analysis never get the output’s values. They keep saying that value=NULL.
Hi @stefan-mne , EligibilityCriteria.dmn (19.5 KB)
I’ve updated the DMN. You need to specify the Decision ID in the expression.
For Example: The age Criteria DMN decision ID is Decision_0x2cszi, You should not use output name: ageCriteria. You should use Decision Id instead.
If you have two outputs in the DMN then decisionID.outputname
For example: The age Criteria DMN decision ID is Decision_0x2cszi,
and it has ageCriteria and decision as outputs then you can access them by Decision_0x2cszi.ageCriteria, Decision_0x2cszi.decision.