How to Retrieve jobKey in Custom Outbound Connector using Camunda Connector SDK?

Hello Camunda Team,

I am currently developing a custom outbound connector using the Camunda Connector SDK, and I need to retrieve the jobKey within my custom connector implementation. However, I am having difficulty finding the appropriate method or context to access this value.

Here is a brief overview of my current setup:

import io.camunda.connector.api.annotation.Secret;
import io.camunda.connector.api.outbound.OutboundConnectorContext;
import io.camunda.connector.api.outbound.OutboundConnectorFunction;
import io.camunda.connector.api.outbound.OutboundConnectorResult;

public class MyCustomConnector implements OutboundConnectorFunction {

    public OutboundConnectorResult execute(OutboundConnectorContext context) {
        // I need to retrieve the jobKey here
        // Example code
        // long jobKey = context.getJobKey(); // This method does not exist

        // Custom logic here

        return OutboundConnectorResult.success();

I have checked the available methods in the OutboundConnectorContext but couldn’t find any method to directly access the jobKey. Could you please provide guidance on how to retrieve the jobKey within the execute method of a custom outbound connector?

Thank you for your assistance!